

My passion lies in developing our fundamental understanding of neural sensory perception and using this basic knowledge to repair the neurocircuitry of the visual system. Ultimately, I aim to develop new approaches to restore vision loss and nervous system dysfunction through a combination of biomaterials, neural interfacing prosthetists, and stem cell therapies. I immersed in translational science as an undergraduate, when I participated in the development of drug delivery vehicles, designed affinity peptides, and engineered antibody therapeutics through academic research and industry internships. Inspired to begin research in neural tissue engineering, I pursued a doctoral degree at Northeastern University, where I developed novel biomaterials for nerve regeneration and engineered microphysiological systems (MPS) for investigating the neurocardiac axis.

At Northeastern, in Dr. Koppes’ lab, I designed and engineered photocrosslinkable materials with both neurophobic and neruosupportive domains to direct regeneration and support anastomosis of peripheral nerve injuries. In parallel, I also established microphysiological models of the cardiac sympathetic nervous system and was awarded the American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship for my work. Using this MPS approach, I demonstrated that cardiac innervation is increased due to increased heart rate – a previously unknown mechanism of cardiac nervous system remolding. As a cell critical for peripheral nerve regeneration, I also studied the role of Schwann cells in the heart using a combination of 3D cell culture and in silico modeling, and, for the first time, demonstrated the role and importance of glial cells in modifying the electrophysiological properties of the cardiomyocytes. Lastly, I developed the first MPS of the sympathetic adrenomedullary axis, and confirmed that adrenomedullary innervation and exposure to nicotine or opioids inhibit prenatal oxygen tension-mediated catecholamine release.

After completing my PhD, I got a chance to pursue my long-term dream of working in visual neuroscience and regenerative ophthalmology. In lieu of joining a tissue engineering lab, I decided to join Dr. Baranov’s lab to advance the transplantation of stem cell-derived retinal ganglion cells lost in Glaucoma. I am focused on improving the integration of RGCs through guided migration and by modulating their interactions with the retinal microenvironment. This work in the lab is supported by the National Eye Institute Audacious Goals Initiative, and I received the Molecular Bases of Eye Disease Fellowship to explore fundamental mechanisms that control donor neuron migration in the retina. This is the direction of research I want to continue to build my future independent academic program. I believe that we need a better understanding of fundamental principles that control donor neuron integration and mosaicism in the retina to improve cell therapy outcomes. These include Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule (DSCAM)-mediated homophilic cell-cell interactions, neurokine homing signals and cues, and the transition between radial and tangential migration.

As a Principal Investigator in the near future, I will be able to combine my knowledge and skills to engineer ex vivo models to study the visual system, the neurocircuitry of the retina, optic nerve, and visual cortex. I will be well suited for this work with my broad research background in neural tissue engineering, organ-on-chip models, stem cell therapies, and electrophysiology.  From my previous experiences, I believe that the level of control afforded and ease of imaging within in vitro systems enables more rapid discovery of fundamental principles of neural system organization. Furthermore, establishing human models in vitro using stem cell technologies would improve the relevance and translatability of these findings. By developing human neural retinas in vitro, I will have unprecedented control over neurocircuit formation to study the fundamentals of neuroplasticity. Ultimately, much like the discoveries I made within the neurocardiac axis, an in vitro model of the retina will lead to new principles and approaches that may be used to promote remolding and repair within the visual and central nervous systems.


1F32EY033211 – 01A1, National Eye Institute, Soucy (PI) 02/01/22-01/31/25
Role: PI “Regulating cell-cell interactions to improve donor retinal ganglion cell integration”
This study aims to investigate the role that Down Syndrome Cell Adhesion Molecule (DSCAM) has in directing donor retinal ganglion cell migration and synapse formation in the retina.

5T32EY007145-22, National Eye Institute, D’Amore (PI) 11/01/20-10/31/21
Role: FEL “Training Program in the Molecular Bases of Eye Disease”
This study aims to determine the preferred method of donor retinal ganglion cell migration into the host ganglion cell layer in vivo.

19PRE34430181, American Heart Association, Soucy (PI) 01/01/19-12/31/19
Role: PI “On-chip Innervation of the Cardiac Microenvironment”
This study aims to develop an in vitro model of the cardiac autonomic nervous system (ANS) to investigate the underlying mechanisms of cardiac innervation and ANS function.


J.R. Soucy, E. Kriukov, J. Oswald, M. Phay, J. Masland, C. Pernstich, P. Baranov (2024). “Sustained neurotrophic factor cotreatment enhances donor and host retinal ganglion cell survival in mice,” BioRxiv [preprint].

J.R. Soucy, L. Todd, E. Kriukov, M. Phay, V. Malechka, J.D. Rivera, T.A. Reh, P. Baranov (2023). "Controlling Donor and Newborn Neuron Migration and Maturation in the Eye Through Microenvironment Engineering," PNAS.

J.R. Soucy, E. Aguzzi, J. Cho, M. Gilhooley, C. Keuthan, Z. Luo, A. Monavarfeshani, M. Saleem, X. Wang, J. Wohls, The RReSTORe Consortium, P. Baranov, A. Di Polo, B. Fortune, K. Gokoffski, J.L. Goldberg, W. Guido, A. Kolodkin, C. Mason, Y. Ou, T.A. Reh, A. Ross, B.C. Samuels, D. Welsbie, D.J. Zack, T.V. Johnson (2023). "Retinal Ganglion Cell Repopulation for Vision Restoration in Optic Neuropathy: Discussions from the RReSTORe Consortium Workshop," Molecular Neurodegeneration.

J.R. Soucy, G. Burchett, R. Brady, K. Nichols, D.T. Breault, A.N. Koppes, R.A. Koppes (2021). “Innervated adrenomedullary organ-on-a-chip to model prenatal nicotine and opioid exposure,” Organs-on-a-chip.

D. Diaz Vera, J.R. Soucy, A. Lee, R.A. Koppes, A.N. Koppes (2021). “Light irradiation on peripheral nerve cells: a wavelength and dose dependency study on primary DRG neurons and Schwann Cells in vitro,” Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology.

J.R. Soucy, A.J. Bindas, R. Brady, T. Torregrosa, S. Hosic, A.N. Koppes, R.A. Koppes (2020). “Reconfigurable microphysiological systems for in vitro modeling of innervation and multi-tissue interactions,” Advanced Biosystems. (featured on the inside front cover)

S. Hosic, A.J. Bindas, M.L. Puzan, W. Lake, J.R. Soucy, F. Zhou, R.A. Koppes, D.T. Breault, S.K. Murthy, A.N. Koppes (2020). “Rapid prototyping of multilayer microphysiological systems,” ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering.

T. Torregrosa, S. Webster, C. Aghaizu, J.R. Soucy, C. Bertucci, L. Plant, A.N. Koppes, R.A. Koppes (2020). “Cryopreservation and functional analysis of cardiac autonomic neurons,” Journal of Neuroscience Methods.

J.R. Soucy, A.J. Bindas, A.N. Koppes, R.A. Koppes (2019). “Instrumented Organs-on-Chips for Real-time Measurement and Manipulation of Cellular Electrochemical Processes,” iScience.

J.R. Soucy, J. Askaryan, D. Daiz, A.N. Koppes, N. Annabi, R.A. Koppes (2019). “Glial cells influence cardiac permittivity as evidenced through in vitro and in silico models,” Biofabrication.

A.R. Spencer, E. Shirzaei-Sani, J.R. Soucy, C.C. Corbet, A. Primbetova, Ryan A. Koppes, N. Annabi (2019). “Bioprinting of a cell-laden conductive hydrogel composite,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.

D.E. Large, J.R. Soucy, J. Hebert, D.T. Auguste (2018). “Advances in receptor-mediated, tumor-targeted drug delivery,” Advanced Therapeutics.

J.R. Soucy, E. Shirzaei-Sani, R. Portillo-Lara, D. Daiz, F. Dias, A.S. Weiss, A.N. Koppes, R.A. Koppes, A. Nasim (2018). “Photocrosslinkable Gelatin/Tropoelastin Hydrogel Adhesives for Peripheral Nerve Repair,” Tissue Engineering Part A. (highlighted by the editor)


* denotes presenting author

J.R. Soucy*, E. Kriukov, M. Phay, V. Malechka, J.D. Rivera, P. Baranov, “Chemokine-directed migration improves donor neuron integration into the retina in vivo,” Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting, October 2024, Baltimore, MD (submitted)

J.R. Soucy*, E. Kriukov, J. Oswald, P. Baranov, “Engineering the retinal microenvironment to improve donor and host retinal neuron survival in vivo,” Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting, October 2024, Baltimore, MD (submitted)

J.R. Soucy*, E. Kriukov, J. Oswald, M. Phay, V. Malechka, J.D. Rivera, P. Baranov, “Engineering the Retinal Microenvironment to Improve Retinal Ganglion Cell Transplantation,” American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, October 2024, San Diego, CA (submitted)

J.R. Soucy*, V. Malechka, J.D. Rivera, P. Baranov, “Inhibiting Molecular Cues to Improve Human Stem Cell-Derived Donor Retinal Neuron Transplantation in the Mouse Retina,” American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, October 2024, San Diego, CA (submitted)

J.R. Soucy*, “ARVO 2024 Minisymposium: A roadmap for developing vision-restoring therapies for patients suffering from optic neuropathy – RGC survival, maturation, and host interactions,” The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting, May 2024, Seattle, WA (invited talk)

J.R. Soucy*, E. Kriukov, V. Malechka, P. Baranov, “Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule inhibition improves retinal ganglion cell integration within the mouse retina,” The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting, May 2024, Seattle, WA (poster)

J.R. Soucy*, E. Kriukov, M. Phay, P. Baranov, “Engineered chemokine gradients across the retina improve the integration of human stem cell-derived retinal neurons in mice,” American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, November 2023, Orlando, FL (talk)

J.R. Soucy*, J. Oswald, E. Kriukov, P. Baranov, “Modifying the retinal microenvironment with slow-release neurotrophic factors enhances donor retinal neuron survival in mice,” American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, November 2023, Orlando, FL (talk)

J.R. Soucy*, V. Malechka, J.D. Rivera, P. Baranov, “Overcoming Molecular Barriers to Improve Donor Retinal Ganglion Cell Transplantation in Mice,” The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting, April 2023, New Orleans, LA (paper/talk)

J.D. Rivera*, J.R. Soucy, V. Malechka, E. Kriukov, P. Baranov, "Culture Substrates Comparison on Modulating Survival and Neurite Outgrowth of Retinal Ganglion Cell," The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting, April 2023, New Orleans, LA (poster)

E. Kriukov*, J.R. Soucy, P. Baranov, "Advanced integrated transcriptomics-based computational models to study functions of interest in donor retinal ganglion cells," The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting, April 2023, New Orleans, LA (poster)

V. Malechka*, J.R. Soucy, E. Kriukov, J.D. Rivera, P. Baranov, "Co-treatment with FasL and Annexin modulates host microglia after donor RGC transplantation and improves the outcome," The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting, April 2023, New Orleans, LA (paper/talk)

J.R. Soucy*, P. Baranov, “Chemokine-directed migration improves the structural integration of human stem cell-derived retinal neurons,” Harvard Ophthalmology Annual Meeting and Alumni Reunion, June 2022, Boston, MA (poster)

J.R. Soucy*, P. Baranov, “Human Stem Cell-Derived Retinal Ganglion Cells Migrate into the Ganglion Cell Layer In Vivo Primarily Through Multipolar Migration,” International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) Annual Meeting, June 2022, San Francisco, CA (poster)

J.R. Soucy*, P. Baranov, “Chemokine-directed migration improves the structural integration of human stem cell-derived retinal neurons in mice via multipolar migration,” Annual Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) Retreat, May 2022, Cambridge, MA (poster)

J.R. Soucy*, M. Phay, P. Baranov, “Multipolar Migration and the SDF1-CXCR4 Axis Direct Human Retinal Ganglion Cell Integration in Mice,” The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting, May 2022, Denver, CO (paper/talk, travel award)

J.R. Soucy*, M. Phay, J. Oswald, P. Baranov, "Human Retinal Ganglion Cell Integration is Enhanced Through SDF1 and Netrin1 - Guided Migration in a Mouse Xenotransplantation Model," International Society for Eye Research (ISER)/BrightFocus Glaucoma Symposia, May 2022, Atlanta, GA (poster, travel award)

J.R. Soucy, R. Brady, A.J. Bindas, K. Nichols, R.A. Koppes, A.N. Koppes*, "GelPin Microphysiological Systems for 3D Neural Interfacing," Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, May 2022, Honolulu, Hi (submitted)

J.R. Soucy*, J. Oswald, P. Baranov, "Establishing Chemokine Gradients Across the Mouse Retina Enhances Donor Retinal Ganglion Cell Integration," International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) Annual Meeting, June 2021, virtual (poster)

J.R. Soucy*, J. Oswald, P. Baranov, “SDF1 directs donor retinal ganglion cell migration into the retina following allotransplantation in mice,” The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting, May 2021, virtual (paper/talk, travel award)

R.A. Koppes*, J.R. Soucy, A.N. Koppes, “Engineering an Innervated Adrenal Organ-Chip Model,” World Biomaterials Congress, December 2020, virtual (talk)

Thompson*, J.R. Soucy, S. Flannery, K.B. Lamm, D. Marshall, R.A. Koppes, L. Griffith, A.N. Koppes, “Enteric nervous system cells encapsulated in hydrogels for intestinal tissue engineering,” World Biomaterials Congress, December 2020, virtual (poster)

J.R. Soucy, A.J. Bindas, R. Brady, A.N. Koppes, R.A. Koppes*, “GelPins: A new strategy for discrete yet cohesive tissue assemblies within ‘cut & assemble’ organ-chips,” American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, November 2020, virtual (talk)

J.R Soucy, A.N. Koppes, R.A. Koppes*, “Utility of an innervated adrenomedullary microphysiological system for investigating the role of the nervous system and drugs of abuse,” Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting, October 2020, virtual (talk)

D. Diaz, J.R. Soucy, A. Lee, R.A. Koppes, A.N. Koppes*, “Irradiation wavelength and duration impacts primary sensory neuron outgrowth in vitro,” Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting, October 2020, virtual (talk)

J.R. Soucy, A.N. Koppes, R.A. Koppes*, “Engineering an Adrenal Organ-Chip Model to Investigate Neurohormonal Control of Cardiac Output,” Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting, October 2019, Philadelphia, PA (poster)

J.R. Soucy*, T. Torregrosa, S. Hosic, S. Moreno Arteaga, A.N. Koppes, R.A. Koppes, “Neuro-Cardiac Axis on a Chip: Neural Remodeling of the Cardiac Microenvironment,” American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, November 2019, Orlando, FL (talk)

J.R. Soucy*, T. Torregrosa, S. Hosic, S. Moreno Arteaga, A.N. Koppes, R.A. Koppes, “Organ-on-chip Model for Investigating Autonomic Innervation of the Cardiac Microenvironment,” Basic Cardiovascular Sciences (BCVS) Scientific Sessions, July 2019, Boston, MA (poster)

J.R. Soucy*, R.A. Koppes, “Integrating Multi-electrode Arrays into Organ-on-chip Platforms,” Smart-Ephys Tech, Talk & Toast, June 2019, Cambridge, MA (talk, invited)

J.R. Soucy*, T. Torregrosa, S. Hosic, N. Annabi, A.N. Koppes, R.A. Koppes, “Engineering a Physiologically Relevant Model of the Cardiac Autonomic Nervous System,” American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, October 2018, Pittsburg, PA (talk)

J.R. Soucy*, A.N. Koppes, N. Annabi, R.A. Koppes, “Glial Cells Modulate Cardiac Beating: An In Vitro and In Silico Model,” Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting, October 2018, Atlanta, GA (talk)

J.R. Soucy, D. Daiz, A.N. Koppes, N. Annabi, R.A. Koppes*, “Schwann Cell Monolayers Promote Cardiomyocyte Self-Alignment,” Society for Biomaterials (SFB) Annual Meeting & Exposition, April 2018, Atlanta, GA (poster)

J.R. Soucy, T. Torregrosa, A.N. Koppes, N. Annabi, R.A. Koppes*, “An Optically Controlled Microphysiological System for the Heart-Brain Axis,” American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, October 2017, Minneapolis, MN (talk)

J.R. Soucy*, D. Diaz, J. Askaryan, A.N. Koppes, N. Annabi, R.A. Koppes, “Development and Characterization of Micropatterned Cardiac Co-Cultures for Improved Tissue Engineering Strategies,” Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting, October 2017, Phoenix, AZ (talk)

J.R. Soucy*, E. Shirzaei Sani, D. Diaz, R. Portillo Lara, F. Dias, A.N. Koppes, R.A. Koppes, N. Annabi, “Gelatin/Tropoelastin Hydrogel Composites for Peripheral Nerve Repair,” Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting, October 2017, Phoenix, AZ (talk)

J.R Soucy, R.A. Koppes*, “Engineering a MicroPhysiological Model of the Heart-Brain Axis,” Society for Biomaterials (SFB) Annual Meeting & Exposition, April 2017, Minneapolis, MN (poster)

J.R. Soucy*, E. Shirzaei Sani, D. Diaz, R. Portillo Lara, F. Dias, S.M. Mithieux, A.S. Weiss, A.N. Koppes, R.A. Koppes, N. Annabi, “Cell-Laden Gelatin/Tropoelastin Hydrogel Composites for Peripheral Nerve Repair and Anastomosis,” Boston Biomaterials Day, March 2017, Boston, MA (talk, best oral presentation award)

J.R. Soucy*, N. Annabi, R.A. Koppes, “Engineering a Microphysiological Model of the Heart-Brain Axis,” Northeastern Chemical Engineering Seminar Presentation, February 2017, Boston, MA (talk)

J.R. Soucy*, E. Shirzaei Sani, D. Diaz, R. Portillo Lara, F. Dias, S.M. Mithieux, A.S. Weiss, A.N. Koppes, R.A. Koppes, N. Annabi, “Engineering Gelatin/Tropoelastin Hydrogel Constructs for Neural Tissue Repair,” Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting & Exhibits, November 2016, Boston, MA (talk)

J.R. Soucy*, J. Askaryan, N. Annabi, R.A. Koppes, ” Micropatterned Hydrogels to Promote Alignment in Co-Cultures Systems for a Neuromuscular Model,” American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, November 2016, San Francisco, CA (talk)

J.R. Soucy*, N. Annabi, R.A. Koppes, “Engineering a 3D in Vitro Neuromuscular Model,” Boston Biomaterials Day, June 2016, Boston, MA (poster)

J.R. Soucy*, N. Annabi, R.A. Koppes, “Neural-Cardiac Patches for Post Ischemic Events,” Northeastern Chemical Engineering Seminar Presentation, March 2016, Boston, MA (talk)

J.R. Soucy*, J. Eschelbach, “Liquid Chromatography – Mass Spectroscopy Quantification for Peptide Oxidation,” Genentech Summer Intern Poster Session, August 2014, South San Francisco, CA (poster)

J.R. Soucy*, S. Rao, P. Karande, P. Underhill, “Self-Propelling Janus Particles as a Novel Drug Delivery System to Solid Tumors,” Rensselaer Undergraduate Research Symposium, December 2013, Troy, NY (poster)


Jonathan R. Soucy, Petr Baranov. Overcoming molecular barriers to improve donor neuron transplantation. Application No. 63/460,855, filed April 20, 2023

Petr Baranov, Jonathan R. Soucy, Emil Kriukov. Function-based sorting of cells for transplantation and other applications. Application No. 63/460,853, filed April 20, 2023

Jonathan R. Soucy, Ehsan Shirzaei Sani, Abigail N. Koppes, Ryan A. Koppes, Nasim Annabi. Gelatin/Elastin Composites for Peripheral Nerve Repair. United States Patent No. 11,406,737, granted August 9, 2022

Sanjin Hosic, Ryan A. Koppes, Shashi K. Murthy, Abigail N. Koppes, Jonathan R. Soucy. Fluidic Device and Method of Assembling Same. United States Patent No. 11,351,538, granted June 7, 2022